Today has been truly an AMAZING day! Never in a thousand years did we think we would be where we are today, but God has shown us when you give your life to Him and trust and believe in all His words, He will open doors that no man can close. We have received our very first MAJOR DONATION! 12 pallets of cereal made by Post, and just as we have been blessed, we are going to bless so many individuals and families. We will visiting various neighborhoods and surrounding areas to make prepackaged drop offs. If you or anyone you know doesn't catch us then, and you need some cereal for yourself, families, etc., please don't hesitate to contact us via email at, telephone (912) 312-9860, or facebook on our page Grace Oliveira or business page One Hand Washes the Other, Inc. and we will drop it off.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
First Major Donation
Today has been truly an AMAZING day! Never in a thousand years did we think we would be where we are today, but God has shown us when you give your life to Him and trust and believe in all His words, He will open doors that no man can close. We have received our very first MAJOR DONATION! 12 pallets of cereal made by Post, and just as we have been blessed, we are going to bless so many individuals and families. We will visiting various neighborhoods and surrounding areas to make prepackaged drop offs. If you or anyone you know doesn't catch us then, and you need some cereal for yourself, families, etc., please don't hesitate to contact us via email at, telephone (912) 312-9860, or facebook on our page Grace Oliveira or business page One Hand Washes the Other, Inc. and we will drop it off.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic Sponsored by Critter Control of Savannah
March 27 2021 we had an Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic for our kids here at One Hand Washes the Other, Inc. Thank you to Dr. Chris Christensen, Kaitlin and Nicholas Barber for preparing this spectacular event. The kids enjoyed every minute and so did we. You guys went above and beyond. God continues to bless us and nothing can stop what He has for us! Serve the Lord and watch him work miracles! We love you all!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Who We are
Mission Statement
Our mission is to service and support the youth, families, and individuals helping them to create positive lasting changes in their lives and the community
Our main objectives are to help
- Find your purpose
- Build a positive self-concept, high self-esteem, and a sense of self-respect
- Discover your strengths and weaknesses
- Learn and utilize life skills
- Create unity

Vision statement
Our vision is to build towards a future where all people are given the opportunities and support systems to achieve their own meaning of a successful life.

Our values
- Respect: We treat all people with dignity and respect
- Stewardship: We honor our heritage by being socially, financially and environmentally responsible
- Ethics: We strive to meet the highest ethical standards
- Learning: We challenge each other to strive for excellence and to continually learn
- Excellence: Deliver the high-quality services in all endeavors
- Service: Be the benefit of the public and our members and staff
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One Hand Washes the Other volunteers with United Way Backpack Buddies ⬅️(click the link for a video) United Way of the Coastal Empire...